I call her every month or so, but it should be every day or so. If I were really practical, and wanted to win this whole life-battle, I would call her every time my faith so much as trembled.
I didn't know it was possible to be so one with God and remain in a body. I am almost convinced that when she leaves her body will burn to dust at the fire of her spirit breaking its bonds. (Like Feanor, but with holy fire, for anyone who read the Silmarillion.)
It's strange to talk to someone who only needs me to give her a reason to speak. The more I learn of her, the more I open myself to take in what she says. I pretend I'm a thirsty plant opening itself to her words, words that are not hers, but the Spirit's.
I've wondered many times who it is that waters her, and by now I'm pretty sure she gets everything direct delivered from the Father. She sees Him in everything, and one of her favorite things is to see growth in her "children". Growth and romance, which are sometimes the same thing.
Despite her own incredibly difficult marriage, she loves romance.
"God is in everything you do. If you are married, to love your husband is to love God," she says. When she says simple things like that, I think,
I knew that. But it is so good to hear her say it.
I know she lives in God like a baby in its mother's womb. Sometimes I think she's the closest thing I can get to God. And yet, "Life is a journey. You keep moving, keep looking forward. I'm not satisfied with the depth I'm at," she says, lapsing into a wild, childish cackle.
She will never be satisfied until she sees His face, touches His hands. I never want to be, either.
"Don't magnify yourself in no kind of way. It's all God, all for His glory."
My point in all this is to thank God before you all that I have the blessing of knowing this woman so full of Him. It's the Him inside her that is so beautiful and strong. I pray that everyone who reads this will find their own Sister Eva(or rediscover her) and take in all the glimpses of Christ they can.
Sheri, it's absolutely perfect!!!